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Kod proizvoda: MR MIDI IO | ID: 359080
Ovaj tekst je automatski prijevod sa softvera:
Meris MIDI I / O omogućuje vam upravljanje do 4 Meris pedale putem MIDI. MIDI kontroler, bežični s bluetooth adapterom, iz vašeg DAW-a, vi odlučujete ...
Na temelju broja ocjena: 2
Sve ocjene dolaze od provjerenih kupaca koji su proizvod kupili od nas u prošlosti.
Dávid F.
Meris has a unique solution for handling TRS MIDI and this handles that. My main use for this was to edit and test my presets on my Meris pedals on my computer through my MIDI compatible audio interface. Since I have this, I also use it as a MIDI splitter for my Meris pedals between my MIDI foot controller (this leaves me with more inputs/outputs on the controller) TBH, I'm sorry that this purchase was necessary to access all features of the pedals, but that's on Meris. If I only had one Meris pedal, I wouldn't have buyed it. But it does the job and works seamlessly.
Automatski prijevod
Vincenzo L.