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Igor Stravinsky - The Firebird (Orange Coloured) (180 g) (LP)


Igor Stravinsky - The Firebird (Orange Coloured) (180 g) (LP)

Datum izlaska 06.09.2024
Dobij bolju cijenu 
Kupi bar dvije LP ploče i u košarici upiši kod za popust MASHUP . Što više artikala kupiš, to će cijena biti niža.
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Poslati ćemo 23.09.2024 ,
LP ploča Igor Stravinsky - The Firebird (Orange Coloured) (180 g) (LP)

Igor Stravinsky - The Firebird (Orange Coloured) (180 g) (LP)

18,90 €
142,40 kn

Kod proizvoda: 8719039006830 | ID: 1145929

Dobij bolju cijenu      
Kupi bar dvije LP ploče i u košarici upiši kod za popust MASHUP . Što više artikala kupiš, to će cijena biti niža. Ovaj kod funkcionira i kod kombinacije LP ploča i merch proizvoda.
Bolja cijena prilikom kupnje više LP ploča. Upiši u košaricu kod MASHUP i osvoji količinski popust.

Igor Stravinsky - The Firebird (Orange Coloured) (180 g) (LP)



1. Introduction
2. The Enchanted Garden of Kastchei
3. The Firebird Appears, Pursued By Ivan Tsarevitch
4. Dance of the Firebird
5. Capture of the Firebird By Ivan Tsarevitch
6. Supplication of the Firebird
7. Appearance of the Thirteen Enchanted Princesses
8. The Princesses Play with the Golden Apples (Scherzo)
9. Sudden Appearance of Ivan Tsarevitch
10. The Princesses' Round
11. Dawn Breaks (Ivan Tsarevitch Enters the Palace of Kastchei)
12. Magic Carillon, Appearance of the Monsters, and Capture of Ivan Tsarevitch
13. Arrival of Kastchei the Immortal
14. Dialogue of Kastchei and Ivan Tsarevitch
15. Intercession of the Princesses
16. Appearance of the Firebird
17. Dance of Kastchei's Followers Enchanted By the Firebird
18. Infernal Dance of Kastchei's Subjects
19. Lullaby (The Firebird)
20. Awakening of Kastchei
21. Death of Kastchei - Profound Darkness
22. Kastchei's Spells Are Broken, His Palace Disappears, the Stone Knights Return to Life, Joy Reigns

Parametri i specifikacija





Umjetnik / Tema

Igor Stravinsky


Glazbeno izdavaštvo

Boja prema proizvođaču


Godina izdavanja

Datum izlaska



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